About Us
Created by Indonesian artist Melanie Sie, Milk Mocha Bear started as a beloved webcomic and has evolved into a cherished brand. Since its creation in 2016, this heartwarming webcomic has been a delightful showcase of endearing slice-of-life moments featuring the lovable duo, Milk and Mocha—two bears with contrasting personalities—and their adorable dinosaur companion, Matcha. Capturing the affection of millions worldwide, Milk Mocha Bear products are dedicated to celebrating the joyous companionship embodied by these adorable icons!
Don't forget to follow Milk and Mocha on facebook, instagram, and twitter for news of upcoming products on milkmochabear.com!
Sincerely, milkmochabear Team
milkmochabear was created by Klova Studios in Indonesia. All products are authentically designed in collaboration with and officially licensed by Klova Studios.